Andy Samberg remembering his roots on Saturday Night Live, March 12.

Saturday Night Live fans attuned to all matters Berkeley (such as the teenage offspring of two Berkeleyside founders) may have spotted that, on last week’s episode, homegrown comedian Andy Samberg was sporting a particularly Berkeley-relevant T-shirt.

At the end of the March 12 show, as the cast was milling around with guest host Zach Galifianakis and singer Jessie J, Samberg could be seen wearing a green T-shirt bearing the image of a bear with the words “John Muir Grizzlies”.

As most Berkeley students will know, Samberg is a product of the Berkeley public school system, having attended John Muir Elementary School (hence the T-Shirt), Willard Middle School, and Berkeley High School.

Berkeleyside applauds Samberg for remembering his roots amid all the starry glamor of a hit late-night TV show.

Update 18:23: A well-informed reader writes in to say that Andy Samberg did not in fact attend John Muir Elementary School, but that his mother works there as a teacher, hence his allegiance. Thanks for the clarification, Diana. Does anyone know where Samberg did in fact go to elementary school?

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Tracey Taylor is co-founder of Berkeleyside and co-founder and editorial director of Cityside, the nonprofit parent to Berkeleyside and The Oaklandside. Before launching Berkeleyside, Tracey wrote for...