The Kala Art Institute, located in the former Heinz ketchup factory on San Pablo Avenue, is a Berkeley art treasure — from its Artists-in-Schools program and printmaking studios, through its extensive print collection and first-rate exhibition space, the center is a highly respected creative hub and community resource.

Today, Kala kicks off “Kala-fornia”, an exhibition and spring auction of artworks donated by more than 100 artists to benefit the institute. The collection of works for sale include Blue Green Wall, 2011, above left, a pigment print on watercolor paper by Jeannie O’Connor which is priced at $800, and Nine Wishes Deferred, a chromogenic print by Hedi Desuyo (above right), priced at $500.

Kala Institute was founded in 1974 by Archana Horsting and Yuzo Nakano as an international workshop and forum for ideas. It provides facilities to professional artists working in all forms of printmaking, digital media, photography, and book arts. Artists associated with Kala over the years include Squeak Carnwath, Roy de Forest, Jessica Dunne, Bella Feldman, Barbara Foster, Sonya Rapoport, Peter Voulkos, and William Wiley.

The preview party for “Kala-fornia” is tonight, Wednesday 20th, 6-8pm when the silent auction opens (there is also a “Buy Now” facility online). The artworks will then be on view for ten days, through April 30, the day of the Auction Gala.

For full information, visit the Kala Institute website.

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Tracey Taylor is co-founder of Berkeleyside and co-founder and editorial director of Cityside, the nonprofit parent to Berkeleyside and The Oaklandside. Before launching Berkeleyside, Tracey wrote for...