Back in April, three Berkeley boys made a return visit to their hometown. Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone and Akiva Schaffer are the threesome behind Lonely Island, makers of ‘digital shorts” (otherwise known as music videos) for NBC’s Saturday Night Live.

The trio visited Amoeba on National Record Store Day to promote their latest album, Turtleneck & Chain, and chat with their fans, some of whom could not contain their excitement (as in much screaming and one hug request directed at Samberg). (If the embedded video above doesn’t work — some readers have had problems — click over to the Amoeba website to view it there.)

Jorma Taccone is the son of Berkeley Rep’s Artistic Director Tony Taccone and Taccone senior did the honors interviewing the boys.

Don’t watch the video if swear words and some mildly crude references might offend. Do watch it if you want to know the boys’ answer to one fan’s question — “What is your favorite part about growing up in Berkeley?”

Update, 12:30pm: The Lonely Island guys also shot another video while at Amoeba titled “What’s in my Bag?” It’s funny, about 7 minutes long, and can be seen on YouTube.

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Tracey Taylor is co-founder of Berkeleyside and co-founder and editorial director of Cityside, the nonprofit parent to Berkeleyside and The Oaklandside. Before launching Berkeleyside, Tracey wrote for...