Four-time Tony Award nominee Raúl Esparza stars in a dazzling world-premiere musical helmed by Tony Award winner Michael Mayer (Spring AwakeningAmerican IdiotSwept Away), written by two-time Emmy winner Danny Strong (DopesickEmpireThe Butler). When maverick scientist Galileo Galilei makes celestial observations that challenge humanity’s understanding of its place in the universe, he’s summoned to Rome to defend his discoveries before the most powerful religious institution in the world, which is facing a rebellion of its own. With an original rock score and lyrics by Michael Weiner (Broadway’s First Date) and Zoe Sarnak (Jonathan Larson Award winner), Galileo is an explosive collision of science and faith, truth and power. Galileo will likely join the constellation of world premieres that traveled from Berkeley Rep to Broadway — be the first to see it here!

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